My son loves Legos, angry birds, and minecraft, but he hates picking up his toys. So after numerous attempts at getting him to pick up and a few searches online, I found some ideas from other bloggers. Below is a lego box that my husband built for my son, a modified version of what I saw online. The one online had many compartments to separate the legos and toys, but knowing my son, he's not going to separate them so we just made it 2 sections. One side for storage and one side to play. When he's done playing, he just need to push the box under the sofa. No need for cleaning up. Before the box, he'd dump all of his legos and angry birds in the living room and when he's done playing, he'd leave them around or he's not able to pick all of small pieces up----many end up in the vacuum cleaner. He's excited about not having to clean up his toys anymore.

Husband started by building a simple box. We bought 2 precut panels (23.75inX47.75in) from Home Depot (~$14). The panel used on the bottom is thinner than the panel that was cut to used on the sides.
Bought some fasteners and corner brace (~$3) to attach the sides. The nails were longer than the wood panel, so he had to cut a piece of the nail off. And then he nailed to side panels to the bottom panel with very thin, small nails.
Stained and protected the wood with Danish Oil (~$14)
The project took him about 2 hours and cost us around $50 because we had to purchase everything that was used.