Wednesday, August 6, 2014

DIY Easy Makeup Bag

I had some left over fabric scraps from a baby quilt I made.  Decided to turn them into a little bag for my makeup---to throw into my purse (Used the green scraps for this project). The zipper-- I got from Los Angeles at the Fashion District for .25 cent each. So this bag probably cost less than .50 cent.  So next time you are there, grab a whole bunch of zippers and fabric to make little bags. I think these would also be great as little gifts or gift bags if you don't end up using them for your make up, money, gadgets, etc.

1. Cut 2 pieces of fabric to the length of the zipper and to how deep you want the bag.
2. To sew on zipper, line the top of zipper  to the right side of the 1st piece of the fabric (aka printed side) and sew a straight line across like  the picture on left.  

3. Then sew the 2nd piece of the fabric on the other side of the zipper.

4. After the zippers are sewn on, sew on the sides and bottom.  Remember to unzip the zipper a bit before sewing all sides so you could pull the bag through.

Voila!!!! In less than 5 minutes, I got myself a make up bag. 
You could spend a little bit more time and sew another piece of fabric to line the inside.  But remember, I'm lazy so this is all the effort I will put in. 

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